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 Full-screen editor (entering a message)

 To use PCBoard's full screen editor you need to familiarize yourself with
 the functions listed below utilizing the PC's keyboard (or control sequences
 in case your system does not support the PC's specialized keyboard):

 Keyboard Commands

  Cursor Movement             PC Keyboard       Control Keys   ANSI codes
  --------------------------  -----------       ------------   ----------
  Move Left a Character       Left Arrow        Ctrl-S         ESC[D
  Move Right a Character      Right Arrow       Ctrl-D         ESC[C
  Move Left to Previous Word  Ctrl-Left Arrow   Ctrl-A
  Move Right to Next Word     Ctrl-Right Arrow  Ctrl-F
  Move To Next Tab Stop       Tab Key           Ctrl-I
  Move To Start of Line       Home Key          Ctrl-W         ESC[H
  Move To End of Line         End Key           Ctrl-P         ESC[K
  Move Up a Line              Up Arrow          Ctrl-E         ESC[A
  Move Down a Line            Down Arrow        Ctrl-X         ESC[B
  Move Up a Page              PgUp Key          Ctrl-R
  Move Down a Page            PgDn Key          Ctrl-C

  Edit Function               PC Keyboard       Control Keys
  --------------------------  -----------       ------------
  Toggle Insert Mode          Ins Key           Ctrl-V
  Reformat Paragraph          Ctrl-B            Ctrl-B
  Join a Line                 Ctrl-J            Ctrl-J
  Insert a Line               Ctrl-N            Ctrl-N
  Delete a Line               Ctrl-Y            Ctrl-Y
  Delete to End of Line       Ctrl-End          Ctrl-K
  Delete Char                 Del Key           Ctrl-G
  Delete Char to the Left     Backspace         Ctrl-H
  Delete Word to the Right    Ctrl-T            Ctrl-T

  Special Functions           PC Keyboard       Control Keys
  --------------------------  -----------       ------------
  Exit Full Screen Editor     ESC               Ctrl-U
  Redisplay Screen            Ctrl-L            Ctrl-L
  Quote or List Original      Ctrl-O            Ctrl-O or Ctrl-Q

  Note:  While in "Insert Mode" characters to the right of the cursor will
         be pushed one character to the right as each letter is typed.
         Pressing the (Enter) key while in "Insert Mode" will cause a new
         line to be inserted.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson